Appeal Process for Domicile Reclassifications

Appeal Process for Domicile Reclassifications

All domicile reclassifications are made beginning with the current term; they are not retroactive. Appeals should be initiated no later than the first day of classes for the term, but it is to your advantage to file your appeal as early as possible. Filing a domicile appeal does not remove your obligation to pay your tuition. If your appeal is granted, you will receive a refund for the difference between the in-state and out-of-state rates.

Level 1 (informal)

Contact the Registrar at any 皇冠博彩 campus. The Registrar will discuss your particular situation with you and advise you about any documents you must present in order to establish your eligibility for in-state tuition. Many appeals are settled at Level 1, particularly those that require standard information such as documentation of military affiliation or visa status.

Level 2 (formal)

If your appeal is denied at Level 1 and you believe that you have additional information to present to strengthen your case, you may appeal to the Director of Enrollment Success & College Records within 10 business days. You (and your parents, if applicable) must complete the   Appeal for Reclassification form (NVCC 125-022) and include a letter detailing the grounds for your appeal and any documentation that you did not present at Level 1.

Level 3 (formal)

If your Level 2 appeal is denied and you have still more information to present or you disagree with the Level 2 determination, you may appeal to the Domicile Appeal Committee.  Include all information you presented at Level 1 and Level 2 along with any additional information you want the committee to consider.

A student who has exhausted the institutional appeal process and is still dissatisfied may appeal to the Circuit Court in the appropriate jurisdiction.